Had a good weekend, if you're interested. But if you're reading here, then you'll be accustomed to inanity. Had a great dinner in Julies Supper Club on Saturday night. It's a fun place and the food was really great. As good a pork chop as I've had. The conversation was great. It was a lot of fun to watch S stumbling and reaching as he talked about his trip to Europe and how Europeans thought Americans were fat. This he said as he was in the process of remembering that E was fat. E has lost 60 pounds and looks like a million dollars. He's worked hard on it, combining Atkins with working out and he is mentally and physically a new man. An inspiration if you will. S begins to apologise for saying the F word in front of him almost. Then says, "but you're not fat now, but even if you were then it wouldn't matter and...", actually I don't remember it exactly because I was laughing so much at the unnecesary awkwardness as S flapped around out of niceness. Then E says - "and did they short as well?" (He's not that tall.) And we laughed more at S's expense. It was so funny.
A little later in the conversation S is saying to Sf how she's obsessed with monogomy, "I'm not obsessed with monogomy" she shouts, to which T, her boyfriend says sotto voce "Good to know, good to know". Such a laugh. It's the stuff of life for me. A nice dinner like that, a fair bit too much to drink and friends telling stories, jokes and laughing both at and because of one another.
Today I'm listening to The Flaming Lips. You should be too. http://www.flaminglips.com Their latest album can be listened to there.
Today Im reading "Eats, shoots & leaves". Its a book about punctuation. I cant wait to read more. When to use the apostophe to convey plurals and possesivenesses.