Saturday, July 17, 2004

role playing games

There was a woman I dated for a brief period. After we stopped dating she got in touch and we started having these Instant Message converstations or dialogues or what ever they're called. I would chat in good faith only to find that no matter what I said she would be able to twist it around in as if I was in some battle against her. It became like a computer game. One of those old role playing ones with very little graphics that was mainly text entry, like "Dungeons and Dragons". You remember them, you would be trying to get past an elf or somehing in some virtual world and there were only certain phrases that you could say that would allow you to pass and get in to, lets say ... the cave. "Enter command - 'Use spell' ". "Ask the wizard for a potion" ... "pick up the potion, put down the knife." That sort of stuff. That was basically how my mind had to start working when we'd have a chat as I attempted to go more than a few sentences without pissing her off. I'd feel as if I'd lost a life as another chat came to an end as she went off line again. I'd try and document what I'd learned. "Don't mention other women ... thank her for the CD ... remember her dogs name". Building a database of knowledge now to use next time I 'played the game'. It was a massive challenge and one that I never won. What a crazy. If people want to think something about you there's often very little you can do about it. Certainly within the confines of an instant message window.


At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is a genius insight. exactly why you are such an effective comic.

At 7:32 AM, Blogger koster said...

Why thank you. I'm going to try and incorporate it in to my next performance on Friday. It's proving a challenge to convey the concept in a short funny manner, but I'll try. I may take it out of IM and just make it a conversation.


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