Tuesday, July 20, 2004

toilet brush

As I found myself dusting my toilet brush holder I thought to myself, "I need a hobby". I clearly have way too much time on my hands if I 1. Notice a dusty toilet brush holder 2. Decide it needs my attention. 3. Act on that decision. Considering that at times I hae difficulty dragging myself off the sofa to eat, this shows new lows of boredom.

On another note...

From a book called "Atonement" by Ian McEwan - in worrying about what she was going to wear, one of the characters indecisiveness is described thus; "She was skeptical, because she know the tricks the mind could play. At the same time, her mind was - in every sense - where she was to spend the evening, and she had to be at ease with herself." I like that concept of her mind being where she would spend the evening.


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