Friday, February 24, 2006

Finally, my vocation

On Valentines Day, someone finally asked me to marry them, and I said yes. Sounds romantic? Well, it sort of is. Friends of mine are getting married and I introduced them, so they've asked me to do the marriage ceremony for them. Should be a bit of fun. A big honour, so I was quite moved to have been asked.
In Ireland of course people just can't beleive their ears when I tell them. "Typical Californian."
A question that comes up early is "What will you wear?" So far the best suggestion has been an Elvis costume. That does bring a certain panache to it.
I also am considering a white linen suit, with large angel wings affixed to the back.

To really get a feel for this stuff I strongly recommend you google "online ordination". You get 2 million hits. I'm currently in the process of selecting the church for which I will be a minister.


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