comedy can kick ass
Did a comedy gig on Friday night and it was really good. It was a new room for me to perform in. I had low expectations but it turned out to be really great. About 7 friends of mine came along. Some of them have seen some real rubbish acts over the last couple of years (including mine sometimes), and have tended to bear that cross with good grace. I hate it when I'm the best, because I'm only quite good. It means the others were brutal. I don't manage to generate table slapping guffaws very often. But I'm alright. Anyhow Friday nights group of comics were really hilarious. For just $7 the crowd, of only about 40 people, maybe less, saw what was for me, TV quality comedy. Mark (can't remember his 2nd name) was great. Lots of good material, his line that worked great, and I can't remember how he got to it ... "God would be beside himself, and not just because he's ubiquitous". Another guy Mike Speigelman does a great bit about not having Tivo, but has an unemployed roommate, called Davo and he does his taping. He delivers that whole segment so well. Another guy, Robert something, had an energy level that I had not suspected from meeting him in the green room beforehand. I love the fact that I was in the green room. He was manic, his facial expressions were a sight to behold. He did really great. Anyhow, it was a great night. The good guys are doing this 6 nights a week. It really shows. Tight material that they know well. Meanwhile I'm still stumbling through my stuff checking up on my notes, speaking too quickly not giving people a chance to laugh. I should either try and perform more often and hone down some bits, or stop wasting my time on it. Perhaps the guitar will take over. Musicians get more action than comics anyway. Well know fact on the comedy circuit. The guitarist always gets the girl. OK, back to guitar practise, E, A, D, G, B, E. take it away...
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