Tuesday, August 17, 2004

new bit?

I love those old shows that look back on times past and help you reminisce, like VH-1 have a show – We love the 70’s, We love the 80’s, and we love the 90’s. The 90’s for christsake, I think it still is the 90’s.

“Remember when this was cool?” I still have that shirt. I like it.

I’m not ready to reminisce about the 90's just yet.

What I need is “We love last weekend”. That would be useful. That’s where I need help. Too often someone will say – so, what did you do last weekend, and it’s a real struggle to try and pull that information together.

Ah yes … memories. Good times.

It’s hard to remember details from far back. Those shows do help bring it all back.

Perhaps we need a TV show called “We love being in a Swiftboat in the Mekong Delta” to help folks remember what the heck went on there. Have you been following this story in the news about some of the Vietnam veterans that say they were there with Kerry. That he was chicken, and it wasn't "all that dangerous". That he didn’t deserve one of his purple hearts or some such thing.

Man, I would not like my resume to be analyzed the way Kerrys is being. Imagine a job you did 30 years ago coming back to you --- Those other boys on my paper route hated me. Now they’ve gone and started - Paperboyveterans for truth dot com.

They begrudged he fact I was awarded 3 apple tarts. I won those from Mrs O’Sullivan for being injured in the line of delivery duty. I fell off my bike. An injury is an injury. They weren’t even close to see exactly what happened. I was injured in the line of duty. Fell off my bike. They weren’t even within 50 yards of that accident. They didn’t see the dog run out.


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